About Me

Lover of Jesus, Wife to Kasey, Mom to Kensli, Counselor, HGTV Addict...I love spending time with family, being crafy and I'm always on the quest to be fabulously frugal.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Little Did I Know...

My last post was June 13th...(as previously noted, I'm not good at keeping up with this thing) and little did I know that as I was posting about my bargains, there was something going on inside me...a little something we now call Kensli Raye.  Yep, Kase and I found out we were pregnant 4th of July weekend and spent the next 9 months preparing to be parents.  I had a great pregnancy...God truly blessed us and continues to do so each and every day.  We welcomed Kensli Raye Kuriyama into the world March 5th at 4:44 p.m.  She weighed 7lbs and 5 oz and was 20" inches long.  Our life has never been the same since.  She's perfect (like her momma) and is the best little baby.  We are head over heels in love with her.  Kasey is an amazing Dad and already has a special bond with her that brings tears to my eyes.  It's been amazing to see how our lives have changed (for the better, of course) since that 4th of July weekend.  I can't wait to see what is in store for us as we raise this baby girl.  Here's some pics of our sweetie!